martes, 6 de octubre de 2015

Rationale TKaM

In order to make this written task more clearer and easier to understand , throughout this rationale I will discuss how, why and to who I write this task.
First of all, this task will consist in a letter to Jem and Scout. The reason why I chose to write to both of them is because they are the ones who have been "followed" by Boo Radley and they deserve to know why he has done all this (throughout the book there have been different events starring him).
The main objective to reach is to try to put myself in Boo Radley's shoes, an able to use his point of view, explaining his feelings on how he felt while everybody was scared of him, without even knowing who he his. Followed by this objective I would also like to mention that by writing this letter to both Jem and Scout, (in this version) Boo Radley's prejudice about being a "bad person" will
be gone from their minds, accompanied by his final act.
To conclude, and start with the letter, I´d like to give my personal opinion towards this topic. I chose to do it from Boo Radley's perspective because I found it more challenging to talk in the position of a man than nobody has ever seen or been in touch with. And thanks to this a hope to make a good task, completing my objective.

miércoles, 19 de agosto de 2015

Being african-american in Alabama

This article will be discussing the life that african-american people had in Alabama in the 30's. Black people used to be slaves until the year 2

viernes, 14 de agosto de 2015

to kill a mocking bird questions

When was she born?
April 28' 1926

Where did she live?
Harper Lee lived in Monroeville, Alabama.

What did her father do?
Her father was a former newspaper editor and proprietor, practiced law and served in the Alabama State Legislature.

What is the cultural and educational background of the author?
Harper lee lived in a society that suffered racism, while her father worked defending black men from murder accuses. This fact inspired her in writing her book.  She was also educated in Monroe County High School.

martes, 7 de julio de 2015

Task 6 or 7

1.- Pan African is a term that relates to people form all African countries and is usually used as a reference to the Pan Americanism, which is an ideology that tries to conceal the unity of the African country. This concept is important because it reaches to all people so they feel identified with this term, which unifies them.
2.-  idk3.- Thao Mbeki was deputy president when Mandela was the president of South Africa. He was the first chairperson-in-office of the Commonwealth of Nations. Mbeki reduced the unemployment of the population and raised the country's economy by 4.5% per year during his term.
Repetition: I have seen the corruption(...). I have seen concrete expression(...).  This repetition contrasts the idea he is trying to conceal. He is trying to show people hat he knows what is really going on.
Allusion: "(...) to remind ourselves of the Latin saying: Gloria est consequenda- Glory must be sought after. ". He not only advocates a phrase that makes him sound smart, but the phrase has the purpose to create a feeling on the people, by alluding a concrete famous phrase.
Metaphor (figurative speech): "My body has frozen in our frosts(...)". He is alluding to having lived through the weather of Africa.
This rhethorical devices really complements the speech, giving it more authority and giving it the ability to reach the audience, appealing to Ethos and Pathos, as well as Logos.

Task 5 moodle

In this oral presentation, Vicente Gonzalez and I talked about the speech from the movie "We Are Soldiers". In this speech, The context and purpose of the speech is to prepare the soldiers psychologically to fight in one of  Vietnam War's most important battle of "la drang".
Throughout presentation we could also recognize the different techniques that were used, the context of the movie and how and where it was produced. For example there are some aspects that made this presentation sound the way it was supposed to be. First we used a type of tone that makes the presentation have a important and motivating structure, since the movie is about motivating soldiers for the war. Then we have the persuasive techniques and rhetorical devices that helps the audience to feel connected to the speech. But we also structured our presentation in a typical way, from an introduction to a conclusion. We did it like this because it helps the audience to follow the presentation at the same time we do. 
In conclusion I'd say that this presentation opened myself to a new way of presenting, by showing these techniques mentioned before. So this can actually help us in future presentations.

task 1 moodle

This ad from PEPSI shows us how pepsi is supposly better than Coke, the other can. In the image we can see a straw kind of separating instead of entering the Coke can. But then on the other side we have another straw entering without problems in the Pepsi can. The persuasive technique used here is clearly name-calling, since pepsi is trying to make coca-cola look bad, or at least look like pepsi is "better".

This ad has from Nike promotes the "speed" that you gain by wearing this shoes, and for this they use a cheetah, one of the fastest animals in the world. But this ad isn't really true, because shoes don't make you run faster, the only thing that could maybe make you run a little faster is the weight of the shoes. In this ad I would say that the technique used is Testimonial, since their is a famous animal (instead of a person) used to make us think we might "run like them".

lunes, 13 de abril de 2015

Written Task


In this written task i will do a study of how public media can manipulate people. This means that publicity or social media try to make people think the way these companies want them to think. Throughout this task, I will explore the different aspects of how these many companies show there commercial or other types of social media to make us buy and fall into their "tramps".

Furthermore, this study has a lot of feedback from internet websites such as, or, etc. These websites show us different points of view of how media manipulation can affect our thoughts and how it manipulates our points of view.

I personally chose these two reports because they describe two different topics of media manipulation. On one side, "" talks about the different ways publicity decides to confront us citizens. There are many examples or topics where we can see a type of media manipulation, such as professional public relations (P.R), covert and overt government propaganda, publicity, etc. But on the other hand, talks about examples of manipulative advertising that we see on our daily living.

In conclusion I really hope that throughout this piece of work, people can learn about this topic and how it may or may not be manipulative.

News Report

Manipulative Propaganda

Today I have been moved by this topic, "media manipulation", because I personally have thought all these times I have fallen into publicity by buying anything of my interest and then not getting what I really thought I would get. Because many people are confident that everything, for example, a commercial says is true. This is why I write this report, to give people a more open point of view of manipulative propaganda.

To start, I am not the only person that thinks that media manipulation is affecting our society, there have been hundreds, or maybe thousands of people that have actually written about this serious topic.

First of all, in manipulative propaganda, there are several types of content that are used to "manipulate" people by advertising. One example of this is an "Expert Opinion". This one talks about how experts on a certain topic are used to make people feel more confident on buying a certain product. But on the other side, for example, these companies use a celebrity promote their product. So by just seeing that the words are coming from this person, people automatically feel confident with their purchase. On some cases it can actually be something to trust on, but sometimes, by proof, these commercials aren't true.

Another example of a way to manipulate by advertising, is by attractiveness. This is way to associate something attractive with a product. This has been seen in different types of commercials, but the most common is on cars or shaving articles. In a car commercial, it is very common to see an attractive woman with the car, knowing that the woman has nothing to do with the car. Also in a shaving commercial we can see how a woman is attracted by a man who has just used a shaving product being promoted.

There is another way of manipulative advertising called "Lifestyle". This one is used to promote different types of things. For example in a cellphone company, they show people enjoying with their cellphones with other people, in a social environment. Or also in a restaurant publicity, their are people laughing and smiling, while promoting their service. But as in all commercial, there can ve something that isn't true.

One last example is "Fear". There are some marketing professionals that use this technic to promote their products. for example in a cigarette company, they use to at once promote, and prevent, by also publishing the consequences of this consume. The reason they publish the consequences of this consume is because they are obligated by the government to warn the people about what they are consuming.

There are also different platforms to advertise, that are used to promote in many different ways. These different platforms have their own effectiveness, as they have their advantages and disadvantages. The main examples are; Television, Radio, Print Publications, Internet, Direct Mail, Signage, Product Placement, Mobile devices, Sponsor ships, etc. According to several websites, these media platforms will maybe change with the years, and we don't how this will happen.

In conclusion, I think that people should maybe, before buying a good, be cautious and be informed about what is the person buying. But what I mostly hope is that this work will be helpful and informing to as many people as posible.