martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

Annotated Bibliography

IPPC Effects of global warming. (2007) National Geographic

Retrieved from

This article tells us the effects and consequences about global warming and how it is propagating all over the earth between the north an south pole. The author tries to let us know about the different effects that are happening now, and the effects that may happen if the earth keeps this way of living.
I personally support the author's point of view because he tries to let us know the damage that we are making to our planet.

Global warming: human kind's biggest threat. By Phil B

Retrieved from

The author in this article lets us know how global warming is taking over the planet. It might sound pretty drastic but it is the way it is. "Phil B" lets us know the dimension of the problem the human specie is facing. In the article we can see different arguments and judgments that answer to the question, Should the people know what is going on with there planet? Yes they should and this is why the author makes it very clear that the world authorities need to let their people know avout this problem. Or else the Earth will colapse without knowing why.

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