domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Braveheart movie review


Mil Gibson, director and actor of this movie, plays the role of "braveheart", who  represents William Wallace. This man was one of the most important heroes in the scotish history. He did not onely fought for scotish but he also won freedom to scotland. During the course of the movie we can see the violence, the bad treetment and many other facts that affected the scotish country. The movie starts with William as a child, who suffers the death of his father and brother, killed in battle against the English garrison. William, after this loss is raised by his uncle until he comes back to scotland and gets married secretely with his childhood love, who is killed by the English opressors. After she is killed, Wallace starts killing these english souldiers while other scotish people started joining him destroying every English base in scotland. At the end, William Wallace is captured, tortured and killed by the english. Wallace left a legacy in the scotish history. Thanks to him scotland is now an independent country, but still part of the United Kingdom just like Wales and the north of Ireland.
On my opinion this movie has a very important meaning as it is based on true events. But the most important fact, according to me, is that people can get informed about the live and legacy of this very important heroe that he was, William Wallace. 

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