domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

New leisure center

I have noticed that there is a new leisure center in my neighborhood, it looks interesting but maybe not enough interesting.
This is why I am writing this report, to make a point of view about this new center. I have seen that there aren't many things to play with. This is why not many people visit the leisure center. I would also guess that people don't go because they don't have anywhere to sit. So I think this is a factor that the manager should consider. I have even asked many people in my neighborhood and they think that it is "incomplete". This is why I think the manager of this center could invest in some entertaining supplies or some benches to sit on.
I really hope that this leisure center has a good future, because it would entertain many people and it could be very useful. With a little bit of effort, this place will have a very good future.

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